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Topics | Institutions Represented
Consensus Conferences
Global Thinking To Formulate Guidelines and Advance Research

The Board of Directors of BHI organizes a think tank, a nucleus of the world's most esteemed breast cancer doctors, to select new or controversial issues in research or patient care for discussion. Then, the leading doctors in that particular topic are invited to a "Consensus Conference," a three-day seminar, to identify and debate current information in order to formulate guidelines for breast cancer treatment. The recommendations made by the conference participants and subsequently published in leading medical journals have influenced the care of patients with breast cancer worldwide. Proceedings from all of the Consensus Conferences have been published in Cancer, one of the most esteemed cancer medical journals, as well as in other peer-review medical journals concurrently-an extraordinary and significant achievement.
BHI Consensus Conference Topics
click on topic to view in pdf format

The Classification of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ

The Treatment of In Situ Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast

The Role of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Carcinoma of the Breast

Proceedings of the Consensus Conference on Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Carcinoma of the Breast, April 26-28, 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The goals of the first two conferences were to determine a universally acceptable system of classification and to outline guidelines for treatment for this non-invasive form of cancer that represents about one-quarter of all newly detected breast cancers. The third conference dealt with Sentinel Node Biopsy, a procedure initially employed around 1993 that has grown exponentially. The group reached consensus regarding the accuracy of the procedure, best techniques, handling of specimens and the role of the technique in non-invasive cancers. The articles produced as a result of these conferences are widely cited and the subject of frequent requests for reprints.

The 2003 conference addressed Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. Currently, as many as 20% of women with breast cancer present with "locally advanced" disease. Although much research has focused on the earlier detection of breast cancer, much less attention has been paid to this group of unfortunate women with respect to treatment options that may provide breast conservation instead of mastectomy as well as increased survival. The conference panelists analyzed and debated extant information about the treatment of this group of patients, using this information and their own experience to make recommendations for patient care, as well to define areas for further research.

In April 2005, Breast Health International convened its Fifth International Consensus Conference which took in Milan, Italy The focus of this three-day meeting was to develop guidelines to review what has been learned about breast conservation in the past twenty-five years since its widespread introduction, to develop guidelines for the selection of patients for breast conservation, and to review new techniques of breast conservation to benefit a greater number of patients with breast cancer.

Click here for a list of institutions that have been represented by delegates to Breast Health Institute Consensus Conferences.

©2003 Breast Health Institute

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